Staying Fit During Quarantine
Are you ready to get your whole family into the “Fit” mode? Our current stay at home situation provides us a unique opportunity to not only address our personal shortcomings but most importantly improve on our strengths. So how do we get the kids involved? Only so many books you can read, movies you can watch or online games you can play. Time to get a move on and for the children (of all ages) exercise has many benefits for them, from reducing anxiety and depression to improving concentration and sleep. During these challenging times it’s important to re-imagine physical activity for youth so it stays a part of their routine while at the same time keeping your own workout routine in check.
Let us get the kids involved!
To keep the family active, invite kids to join your workout if appropriate. A great way to involve your young ones is to have them pick out the warm-up or cool-down so they will feel more engaged. If your kids are not old enough to participate, provide them a designated space such as “workout toy box” where specific toys are only shared during parent-workout time. Just as our Studio is providing Online and Outdoor classes, there are many live-streaming exercise classes and recordings geared for kids. Services such as BOKS provide free daily classes. These are great options to build in exercise as part of the family’s new housebound routine.
If you have older teens, get them involved as well with a little creativity and flexibility. Host friendly family competitions, participate in social media exercise challenges, use a reward system (e.g., exercise time for screen time) or empower the teen to create the family exercise activity. Overall, fitness experts agreed: Don’t overthink it; have fun and be flexible! Some of the options mentioned may require some additional thought or preparation, but the important thing is to keep you and your family moving where it can simply be a family walk one day and a live-streaming class the next.
Contact us at or 443-542-8783. For more information about our classes visit
References I 443-512-8783 I