Take Care of Your Skin Naturally


The secret for a radiant and healthy skin starts from the inside out. Covering it with make-up is only a temporary solution to make it look good. These are my recommendations to help your skin look younger, smoother, and healthier:

  • Drink plenty of water. Usually about 2 littles of water per day, depending on body weight and metabolic rate. [1]

  • Find healthy ways to manage stress: Get more sleep, engage in physical activity, and meditate/pray.

  • Avoid hot water, strong soaps, smoking, and drinking alcohol.

  • Eat to nourish your skin with foods rich in essential fats, zinc, vitamins A, E, C, carotenoids, and collagen such as salmon, mushrooms, avocados, olive oil, apple cider, nuts, cocoa / dark chocolate, soy, flaxseeds, green tea, tea tree oil, green peas, berries, red grapes, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, oranges, pomegranates, and aloe vera.

  • Avoid sun in the middle of the day, from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Apply sunscreen.

  • Moisturize and cleanse your skin.

I have been using the following doTERRA® natural products to help nourish my skin and rest well:

  • Skin care: Anti-aging moisturizer, brightening gel, tightening serum, facial cleanser, hydrating cream, and invigorating scrub.

  • Serenity Restful Complex Softgels - With lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts.

  • Supplements: Lifelong Vitality Pack (vitamins) and PB Assist (probiotics).

Feel free to contact me for questions, order products, or become a wholesale representative and SAVE 25% on your doTERRA ® orders.

Healthy regards,

Diana Pinargotte
Call/text 502-512-8783


[1] ISSA - International Sports Science Association

[2] American Academy of Dermatology

[3] Healthline

[4] doTERRA® - https://www.mydoterra.com/dianapinargotte


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